Design and Engineering

KSi focuses on long-term relationships – providing a reliable balance between ever-changing design, media production, engineering, and technology disciplines

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. Our professional services are typically presented as project fixed fees, or freelance and contract hourly/retainer rates. KSi has extensive design and consulting experiences in the following fields:

• Technology Design for Architectural Projects
• Scope Development, Functional Narrative Development , Cost Estimates, Facility Impact Schedules
• Technology Infrastructure Design and Conduit Layouts/Wiring, Block Diagrams
• Architectural Integration Design, Acoustic Recommendations
• Existing Conditions Site Surveys
• Distance Learning and Classroom Capture
• Tele-Medicine, Recording Systems, Video Asset Management Design
• Detailed Audiovisual and IT Systems Engineering
• Schematic Diagrams, Equipment Lists, Training Guides, Riser Diagrams, CAD Documentation
• Software Programming, Value-Engineering
• Media Streaming and Video Conferencing (CODEC) Design
• Control Software Development
• Architectural Design and LEED projects
• Interior and Architectural Design and Coordination
• GREEN Design, LEED recommendations
• RFP and Specifications Creation
• State Procurement Bid Specifications, Coordination and Management
• Vendor/Contractor Recommendations

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